Privacy Policy

This privacy policy covers the use of 'ABC IPTV PLAYER' app.

Personal Information

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you. In other words, we do not collect information such as your name, address, phone number or email address.

We do not use or collect your precise geographic location.

Anonymous usage information

Our apps may collect anonymous usage information to help improve the quality of our services and applications. We use Google Analytics for Firebase which may gather information like device type, session length, and interactions with various user interface elements. The analytics data collected is anonymous.

Google Analytics for Firebase is an analytics service provided by Google Inc.

In order to understand Google's use of Data, consult Google's partner policy.


Our apps may use advertising to provide services free of charge. These advertisements are provided by third-party partners. We do not control which specific ads are shown in our apps (this is controlled by our ad partners), however, we do blacklist certain categories of ads. When you use the apps with advertising your device automatically sends certain information to our advertising partners. This information includes, for example, name of the app, device type, and advertising ID. The information gathered is used to provide our advertising partners with the bare minimum of information they need to provide their services. We are working with the following advertising partners:


This privacy policy was last updated on August 02, 2020. Our privacy policy may change from time to time. We recommend that you check the privacy policy frequently so that you are informed of any changes.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policily, please contact us at [email protected].